In this area questions raised by trainers and other associates who are interested to participate in ROBOTEX CYPRUS. Before submitting any questions, please review the details regulations of the competition you are interested to participate in and the issues below.  

Questions for Educational  Robotics - ENGINO MINI & LEGO WeDO

Questions for Line Following

Questions for SUMO

General Questions



  • The bricks of ENGINO MINI & LEGO WEDO.

The bricks must be original/authentic bricks by Engino or Lego. You can use bricks from the Mini package or any other Engino platform. You can use bricks from the WeDO package or any other LEGO platform. 

  • Does the robot for LEGO WEDO & ENGINO MINI be just one? For example, one motor, one tilt, one sensor, one battery-hub?  Or can we use more than one components from each?  

You can use any number of components you wish as long as the components are original/authentic for the corresponding platform.   

  • Apart from the robot, can we use an extra battery for an extra motor to generate movement or light? For example to create a windmill?    

You can use as many components/parts for Engino Mini and Lego WeDO competitions, as long as the parts are original/authentic Engino or Mini parts.  You are not allowed to use ARDUINO parts/components for the Engino Mini and Lego WeDO competitions.

  • What programming language can we use?

There is no limitation as to the type of programming language that you can use. 

  • Can we have a poster behind our construction?

No, this is not possibe.

  • Can we have printed labels writing, for example: Hospital, School or in general to indicate the type of the entity that is not clearly identifined?  

No, this is not possible.

  • If we want to create a building or a bridge, what materials can we do it? The levels with mat material and the rest with WeDO or Mini? 

You can see the regulations that specify the additional materials you can use. There is also a floor that may be used. For example:  https://sh-s7-live-s.legocdn.com/is/image/LEGO/10700?id=eDmQp0&fmt=jpg&fit=constrain,1&wid=495&hei=371&qlt=80,1&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=1,1,6,0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=72 


  • Clarify in which SUMO competition can university students participate.  

​The rules for the SUMO competition are very clear. University students can only participate in the MINI SUMO competition.  

  • Clarify in which SUMO competition can soldiers and adults participate.  

​The rules for the SUMO competition are very clear. Soldiers and adults can only participate in the MINI SUMO competition.   

  • What is the perimeter of the Dohyo in the SUMO competition?  

Please refer to the competition rules for SUMO, point 6.1.  

  • Στο LEGO SUMO γράφετε ότι το ρομποτ πρέπει να είναι απο προιόντα LEGO. Εννοειτε μόνο απο LEGO EV3 γιατί υπάρχουν και άλλα  LEGO τα οποία έχουν ποιο δυνατους κινητήρες και θα είναι αδικία για κάποιους που δεν έχουν. Άρα πρέπει να ξέρουμε αν θα προμηθευτούμε.

Στους κανονισμούς αναφέρεται το LEGO Mindstorms που καλύπτει διάφορα μοντέλα. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε οποιοδήποτε μοντέλο θέλετε.  

Line Following

  • Στο Line following με Lego γράφετε ότι το ρομποτ πρέπει να είναι απο προιόντα LEGO. Εννοειτε μόνο απο LEGO EV3 γιατί υπάρχουν και άλλα  LEGO τα οποία έχουν ποιο δυνατους κινητήρες και θα είναι αδικία για κάποιους που δεν έχουν. Άρα πρέπει να ξέρουμε αν θα προμηθευτούμε.

Στους κανονισμούς αναφέρεται το LEGO Mindstorms που καλύπτει διάφορα μοντέλα. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε οποιοδήποτε μοντέλο θέλετε.  

General Questions

  • For the students without an identity card, can we bring a birth certificate?  

Yes you can, either a birth certificate or a passport.  

  • Can we bring copies of identity card of students?  

Yes you can bring a copy of the identity card showing the content of both sides on one page.  

  • How many controllers can use for the robot?  

You can use only one controller for the robot. This applies for all competitions.  

  • We have only two robots at our school. Can we bring four teams  with two teams sharing/using the same robot?  

Two teams can use the same robot in two or more different competitions. For example, Team A to use a robot in Line Following and Team B to use the same robot in SUMO. You can not use a robot more than once in any single competition.  

  • In my team we have two persons who attend the Lyceum and one person who attends the Gymnasium. Is this allowed?  

​The rules are very clear on this issue. In general, the members of the team must belong in the same category/level. However, it is allowed to have ONE player of category/level X to participate in a team of category/level+1. In this case the answer is yes, it is allowed provided that the team is registered as team for "Lyceum (Gymnasium 4th-7th)".  

The opposite is not allowed. Please refer to the corresponding rules of the competition you are interested in.  

  • Can the coach participate in the competitions of his category (eg: adults)?

In the university and adults categories, yes it is possible for a coach to participate as player in a team.  




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